Dining table chair, swivel foot, armrests, PU, ​​black with black legs, HN1228
Af House Nordic
1.375,- DKK

Monaco Spisebordsstol - Spisebordsstol, drejefod, armlæn, PU, sort med sorte ben

  • Længde: 56 cm
  • Højde: 86 cm
  • Bredde: 48 cm
  • Sædehøjde: 48 cm
  • Sædedybde: 43 cm

PU, Metal

Dining table chair, swivel foot, armrests, PU, ​​black with black legs, HN1228
Dining table chair, swivel foot, armrests, PU, ​​black with black legs, HN1228
Dining table chair, swivel foot, armrests, PU, ​​black with black legs, HN1228
Dining table chair, swivel foot, armrests, PU, ​​black with black legs, HN1228